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Thursday, May 11, 2006

[Lifted and seperated from The Zen Cabin - with updates for to make it more apropos-y for this place]

Spies, spies and damned spies !

When the first NSA illegal wiretapping story broke, BushCo claimed they were only listening to international calls between US citizens and known Al Qaeda agents. Huh...

  1. How does BushCo know who the Al Qaeda agents are and how did they get their phone numbers?
  2. If they have the phone numbers of known Al Qaeda agents, why haven't we captured said agents? - or -
  3. How did they know that these US citizens were talking to Al Qaeda agents?
  4. If they know US citizens are talking to known Al Qaeda agents, why haven't they brought these citizens in for questioning or arrested them?

The governments of free nations don't listen in on their citizens' phone calls and they don't request millions of call records from the phone companies.

Apparently, America is no longer a free nation. Perhaps, instead of "fighting them over there", we should be fighting them over here.

Here's where I get confused. We, mere bloggers and riff raff, have all, with some notable exceptions, taken a pledge to be as integritarian as possible in our daily endeavors. Yet, El Presidente has refused not only to sign the pledge, like NTodd and some others, but to even act integricariously, as we do. Well, then, I ask you - what hope have we, the desperate and teeming hoi polloi? Without sufficiently integrific leaders to emulate, our actions are merely "a sequence of grotesque poses assumed to no purpose, a magic dance, empty of belief."

No, my friends, this won't do at all. I suggest we start a petition drive, to request that El Guapo sign our Pledge of Integritition, thus returning honor and glory to America. Who's with me?

Rip -

For me the lie, the golden lie! Tomorrow or the day after I shall awake, shall be compelled to awake

Without sufficiently integrific leaders to emulate, our actions are merely "a sequence of grotesque poses assumed to no purpose, a magic dance, empty of belief.

I think you've missed the whole point. We -- the teeming masses, the huddled denizens of the fever swamps -- cannot be trusted to behave in an integrilicous manner without incentive -- or proof.

Our royal overlords, OTOH, by their very nature -- refined and gracious as they are -- do not need such burdensome, picayune certifications.

They is, therefore they be INTEGRILIABLE!!!!
El Presidente has refused not only to sign the pledge, like NTodd and some others...

Does that mean I can be Preznit?
You're on the List...
Does Bush have a blog? If he doesn't have a blog he can't have integrity.
Does Bush have a blog? If he doesn't have a blog he can't have integrity.

You're still trying to apply the rulz governing the lower orders to our Cowboy Overlord.
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