Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Once more, for the fucking record
Click Play. This one goes out to the KSFO fans.
How many times do we have to keep saying this? Oy...
Our friend 'blogicalthought', affiliation unknown, proves just as tenacious as the Howling Moonbats of DOOM!!!! in LeftBlogistan when it comes to the KSFO story. And while we, here at OBI, admire his elegant prose and affectatious search for the Truth, I think everybody's grown a wee bit tired of his insinuations and accusations. But, we're also integrimongous, so I thought I'd respond to his comment at Stark's place by rebutting his points in context. Hear that? In context! Qua! Let's begin, shall we?
I am still waiting for a response regarding Nancy Pelosi’s and Ted Kennedy’s role in this debacle, especially since there is an appearance of trying to squelch free speech on public airwaves in the District of her Constituency. This is especially since the issue you claim to be attached to is within her district and would benefit her to “squelch the conservative voice” on public airwaves.
'bt' is referring to a conference call with some Dem leaders. A call that many people participated in. There's been no effort to 'squelch free speech on public airwaves' by anyone involved. (Also, note the airwaves belong to the Public, not KSFO or Morgan/Rodgers.) Stark's website is called Calling All Wingnuts, bt. Are you really that surprised that he might jump into this game?
Btw, Pelosi's district has what to do with this? Stark was calling O'Reilly (NYC), Hannity (NYC), Limbaugh (FL) and how many others?
The sequence of events, as revealed online, is as follows and is quite interesting for a “first year law student” who is living off financial aid and his wife’s income from work:
1. For over a year, a lone poster, who was previously involved in the John Kerry Campaign doing public relations for him [wtf? thousands of people were. what's your point?], began a campaign against a conservative radio station, claiming he was only advising advertisors of the content of the productions. Can you prove he was doing otherwise?
2. Despite the above claims, he continued the process and encouraged others to do it as well, thus not really “advising advertisors” but trying to pressure them to stop advertising on Conservative Radio. How is 'encouraging others to do it' pressuring advertisers?
3. You travel to Iowa for the Iowa primaries, campaigning for the Democrat party. Wtf? Again, so did thousands of other people.
4. You meet with Duncan Black during the summer primary in Connecticut, where you are campaigning for Ted Lamont who is running against Joe Lieberman, though you are not a resident of CT. and are not a Constituent. Again, wtf? And again, thousands of people traveled to CT to campaign for Lamont, so... Are you saying that Stark should avoid any area where Atrios might be present? You don't know the first thing about political campaigns, do you?
5. You actively campaign against Senator Allen for the Democrat party in Virginia [now , suddenly, constituents aren't allowed to campaign for the DemocratIC party in their home state?], go to several campaign functions and disrupt them with acts of violence, pushing people, holding them up against doorways, using force and pushing a female reporter out of the way. [proof?] You do so, claiming you are a reporter for Air America. [again, proof?]
6. Cenk Ugyar of The Young Turks, Air America Radio Show issues a press release stating you have been hired by Air America, AFTER you advised others you were disrupting the Republican rallies on their behalf (allegedly trying to get an interview.) [proof ot timeline?]
5. [sic '7'] Just weeks before the Media Reform Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, you begin to organize liberal bloggers, mainly “Eschatonians” or rather known as “Atriots” who blog for Duncan Black and David Brock of Media Matters, financed by George Soros, to “blogswarm” the issue. First of all, Atriots don't 'blog for Duncan Black'. He has his own blog - you might have heard of it... Eschaton? Secondly, 'weeks before the Media Reform Conference'? It was also weeks before Martin Luther King Day and Easter - so? And, nobody that I know, in this matter, is involved with Media Matters. Also, based on material available online, you'll notice that this 'blogswarm' occured a week after Spocko's website was pulled by his hosting company. Should we have waited until after the Media Reform Conference? Next time, let us know - we'll see what we can do for you.
You'll also notice that Atrios and Media Matters didn't jump on this story when it started. Nor did Kos or Aravosis. Or Pelosi or Kennedy. 700+ practically unknown bloggers did, though - because they cared about the story. Without being paid to care.
6. [sic 8] During the height of this “blogswarm” you post an article on Huffington Post, claiming to be a “Marine” the week of the Conference. Wtf?!? Yeah, and don't forget - his name isn't even 'Mike'. It's Michael. Oh, the lies!!! God, you're pathetic, bt...
7. [sic 9] During this same week, Media Matters does a series of articles regarding the radio station. So... what then... Media Matters should have waited or not responded to this story? Do you not get the name? Media matters...??? They write about the Media and things relating to the Media?
8. [sic 10] On January 10th, you announce you were involved within a Conference Call with Representative Nancy Pelosi and Ted Kennedy on January 9th and announce you went to DC to the Capitol Building on the 10th. You state you would post a transcript of the conference call, yet never did it. Ok... Stark's a lazy blogger who promises posts that he doesn't write. Scandal! And again, many people participated in that conference call, Sherlock Drones.
9. [sic 11] On January 10th, the San Francisco Chronicle writes an article about the “lone blogger” (who appears to have ties with the San Francisco Chronicle.” A board member of Media Matters is a “journalist” with the San Francisco Chronicle and writes with the journalist who wrote the article. Um, what are these 'ties with the SF Chron'? And who's the MMFA board member?
10. [sic 12] On January l0th, the radio station announced on January 12th, the radio station would open the air waves for all to call, with their concerns about content matter of their shows for a three hour period of time. What does this have to do with anything?
11. [sic 13] On January llth, you wrote you spoke to the Station Manager and tried to negotiate terms for your input in calling into the show. On that same date, Media Matters writes an article regarding the situation. Oh my God! Two liberal writers wrote something on the same day! Conspiracy!
12. [sic 14] On January 12th, the “lone anonymous blogger” doesn’t call in, however YOU do and you are able to give your say on the matter. Which means what? Obviously, you're trying to imply that Stark is Spocko. Nice try. Could be that Spocko was working and couldn't call the show. Could be that KSFO refused to air his call. Could be that he just couldn't get thru, what with all the wingnuts trying to call and tell Melanie how they'd kick Spocko's ass for a whiff of her knickers and a spank on the ass.
KSFO asked Stark to call. He and Spocko aren't responsible for each other's phone calls, so pointing the finger at him because Spocko didn't call is rather illogical and juvenile.
13. [sic 15] On that same date, Media Matters does an article about the matter and the Media Reform Conference begins in which Duncan Black, David Brock of Media Matters (funded by Soros) [proof?] participate with Democrat legislators Hinchey and Sanders, representatives of (funded by Soros) [proof?] your boss (or rather client since you claim to be a free lance reporter hired to disrupt Republican campaign functions) Cenk Ugyar of the Young Turks, Air America Radio Program and Geena Davis, Danny Glover and Jane Fonda attend, as well as Jesse Jackson. Oh my God! Jesse Jackson? Conspiracy!! Tell you what, bt, since you're such a smart guy, why don't you contact the folks who set up the Media Reform Conference and ask them when they started planning it.
14. [sic 16] Following the Conference, you focus on media reform and the blogosphere is flooded with blogs about media reform. How very odd that the blogosphere would focus on Media Reform, following a Media Reform Conference. Seriously, it's almost creepy... It's like... the Borg! I just hope it didn't spread to newspapers and the telly. Eek!
Now, perhaps you can tell us what the role was by Nancy Pelosi in this obvious campaign by Democrats to squelch free speech as well as the role of Ted Kennedy. What role did Pelosi play in trying to “shut down” a radio station in her own district? I'm going to guess... none, none and... again, none? Unless you have better proof than you've dropped on us, so far.
What strategy is being used now, besides your new “website” attacking Disney? Get back to us, we're still waiting for Soros' e-mail.
What is your relationship with Nancy Pelosi and is she supporting you, despite your violent actions against Republicans and the assault upon a woman? Love child? Err, American citizen who's glad she's the new Speaker of the House? And, let's have some proof for that 'assault upon a woman', pally.
Does she condone the sexist comments you make about women and your actions toward them and how does Ted Kennedy feel about them? Cite?
How much income do you receive in order to travel through the U.S. campaigning and attending conferences? This past year, you traveled to the KOS Conference, to the Iowa primary, to Connecticut and have made regular trips to DC to meet with top national legislators, despite the fact you are a “poor student” relying upon student loans and your wife’s income to support your family. Let me run this one backward. Stark doesn't live that far from DC - that's info available online, sugarlips. More importantly, how much income do You receive? I'm guessing the source would be Move America Forward or maybe Russo, Marsh & Rogers / King Media Group. Am I right?
Law school ain’t cheap, especially at a Tier I level. Since you claim to be a former waiter and wine steward up until last year, solely funded by student loans (which hardly cover tuition) and your wife’s income is the sole income, as you claim) just how are you financing everything? Are you donations reported to the IRS as taxable income, since this is a hobby and not a business? Well, that's really none of your business. But again, how much are you making and who's paying you?
Just a few questions, which as a public figure who is involved with national political strategies to affect elections….by the way, you have my email address, so you can always respond….why is it you don’t want to answer the questions but prefer to have your “spokesman” address your issues with attacks? Is your spokesman really you? I'm sure that Mike is flattered, but I'm not sure that even I would call him a 'public figure who is involved with national political strategies to affect elections'. Not yet, anyway. As for his 'spokesman', I'm not sure whom you're referring to with that strawman point. Cite?
By your statements, it appears your actions are not only sanctioned by the Democrat Party but also strategized by them, as well. Finally, this is reinforced by your recent interview on CNN, where it appeared you spoke for the Democrat Party. Wtf?!? You need to re-view the CNN bit - it 'appeared' he spoke for the DemocratIC party? Seriously, get some professional help.
So, is this all one propoganda campaign with the roots being with Nancy Pelosi? No, the roots being Thomas Jefferson and God. Sweet Jeebus in a prom dress, you're ridiculous! (Seriously, though - God did organize this and we do speak for Her.)
Lets see if you have the integrity to answer this one….rather than have the Media Matters lackeys answer it with offensive attacks. Lets see if the Democrats let you answer it. Well, considering your questions would put a 9/11 conspiracist to shame, I don't think it's really a matter of 'integrity' if Mike decides you're not worth the pixels. I, on the other hand, think you're a fucking shill for Russo Marsh & Rogers / Move America Forward. Sue me...
Let me make this perfectly clear to everyone - nobody at OBI is being financed, led, instructed or otherwise moved to write anything about the KSFO fiasco. We do it because we love a good fight, we stand up for the 'little guy' and we demand a little better from other bloggers and the Media. (Plus, KSFO sucks from Hell to breakfast.) And when you fuck with someone we know, we're going to call you on it - no matter who you are.
I'll testify that I've never received any personal correspondence in this matter from Atrios, Media Matters for America, the Democratic Party (other than John Laesch, for unrelated issues), George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, Geena Davis, Danny Glover or Jesse Jackson. (Though, I did see Jesse at a function in Chicago, once - tall man, well dressed, seemed quite pleasant - and Ted Kennedy was a non-political client of mine, a few years back.) I haven't received one cent for any blogging, hosting, pimping, instant messages or broadcasting on this story, nor have I received any other form of compensation. My personal site doesn't have any ads because I don't have the traffic (hint to you advertisers - I'm cheap!) and OBI has never sought any advertising.
I'm not affiliated with Media Matters for America, George Soros, the Democratic Party (I made small contributions to Rowley, Lamont, Spencer, Laesch and McNerney), Atrios, any KSFO competitors, or any blogs but this site and my personal site. (I guest post at Mia Culpa and Sine.Qua.Non's Journal, occasionally, but haven't posted on this issue.)
I can't speak for everyone at OBI, Mike Stark or Spocko - but we've exchanged an enormous number of e-mails in the last few weeks and nobody has even hinted at any involvement by MMFA, the Democratic Party, George Soros or any other quasi-interested corporate or political party. And I'm damned sure that, even if it were off the record, one of them would have said something - just so we could gloat privately.
So, you can take the word of a regular OBI contributor (and if you doubt our veracity for integricipity, read some posts from May or June of 2006), or you can listen to a nozzle who uses the Google to see if anyone's talking about him and may just be an employee at Russo Marsh & Rogers, Move America Forward's PR team. I'm talking about you, 'blogicalthought'... what, you think I don't watch the stats here?
Anyone who thinks there's some well-financed, well-coordinated campaign to 'squelch the free speech' of the KSFO ghouls doesn't understand the nature of the internets. I'm talking to you, this time, Melanie.
Rip -
PS - If you're a free-wheeling, spirited advertiser who digs our groove more than money - e-mail us!

Our friend 'blogicalthought', affiliation unknown, proves just as tenacious as the Howling Moonbats of DOOM!!!! in LeftBlogistan when it comes to the KSFO story. And while we, here at OBI, admire his elegant prose and affectatious search for the Truth, I think everybody's grown a wee bit tired of his insinuations and accusations. But, we're also integrimongous, so I thought I'd respond to his comment at Stark's place by rebutting his points in context. Hear that? In context! Qua! Let's begin, shall we?
I am still waiting for a response regarding Nancy Pelosi’s and Ted Kennedy’s role in this debacle, especially since there is an appearance of trying to squelch free speech on public airwaves in the District of her Constituency. This is especially since the issue you claim to be attached to is within her district and would benefit her to “squelch the conservative voice” on public airwaves.
'bt' is referring to a conference call with some Dem leaders. A call that many people participated in. There's been no effort to 'squelch free speech on public airwaves' by anyone involved. (Also, note the airwaves belong to the Public, not KSFO or Morgan/Rodgers.) Stark's website is called Calling All Wingnuts, bt. Are you really that surprised that he might jump into this game?
Btw, Pelosi's district has what to do with this? Stark was calling O'Reilly (NYC), Hannity (NYC), Limbaugh (FL) and how many others?
The sequence of events, as revealed online, is as follows and is quite interesting for a “first year law student” who is living off financial aid and his wife’s income from work:
1. For over a year, a lone poster, who was previously involved in the John Kerry Campaign doing public relations for him [wtf? thousands of people were. what's your point?], began a campaign against a conservative radio station, claiming he was only advising advertisors of the content of the productions. Can you prove he was doing otherwise?
2. Despite the above claims, he continued the process and encouraged others to do it as well, thus not really “advising advertisors” but trying to pressure them to stop advertising on Conservative Radio. How is 'encouraging others to do it' pressuring advertisers?
3. You travel to Iowa for the Iowa primaries, campaigning for the Democrat party. Wtf? Again, so did thousands of other people.
4. You meet with Duncan Black during the summer primary in Connecticut, where you are campaigning for Ted Lamont who is running against Joe Lieberman, though you are not a resident of CT. and are not a Constituent. Again, wtf? And again, thousands of people traveled to CT to campaign for Lamont, so... Are you saying that Stark should avoid any area where Atrios might be present? You don't know the first thing about political campaigns, do you?
5. You actively campaign against Senator Allen for the Democrat party in Virginia [now , suddenly, constituents aren't allowed to campaign for the DemocratIC party in their home state?], go to several campaign functions and disrupt them with acts of violence, pushing people, holding them up against doorways, using force and pushing a female reporter out of the way. [proof?] You do so, claiming you are a reporter for Air America. [again, proof?]
6. Cenk Ugyar of The Young Turks, Air America Radio Show issues a press release stating you have been hired by Air America, AFTER you advised others you were disrupting the Republican rallies on their behalf (allegedly trying to get an interview.) [proof ot timeline?]
5. [sic '7'] Just weeks before the Media Reform Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, you begin to organize liberal bloggers, mainly “Eschatonians” or rather known as “Atriots” who blog for Duncan Black and David Brock of Media Matters, financed by George Soros, to “blogswarm” the issue. First of all, Atriots don't 'blog for Duncan Black'. He has his own blog - you might have heard of it... Eschaton? Secondly, 'weeks before the Media Reform Conference'? It was also weeks before Martin Luther King Day and Easter - so? And, nobody that I know, in this matter, is involved with Media Matters. Also, based on material available online, you'll notice that this 'blogswarm' occured a week after Spocko's website was pulled by his hosting company. Should we have waited until after the Media Reform Conference? Next time, let us know - we'll see what we can do for you.
You'll also notice that Atrios and Media Matters didn't jump on this story when it started. Nor did Kos or Aravosis. Or Pelosi or Kennedy. 700+ practically unknown bloggers did, though - because they cared about the story. Without being paid to care.
6. [sic 8] During the height of this “blogswarm” you post an article on Huffington Post, claiming to be a “Marine” the week of the Conference. Wtf?!? Yeah, and don't forget - his name isn't even 'Mike'. It's Michael. Oh, the lies!!! God, you're pathetic, bt...
7. [sic 9] During this same week, Media Matters does a series of articles regarding the radio station. So... what then... Media Matters should have waited or not responded to this story? Do you not get the name? Media matters...??? They write about the Media and things relating to the Media?
8. [sic 10] On January 10th, you announce you were involved within a Conference Call with Representative Nancy Pelosi and Ted Kennedy on January 9th and announce you went to DC to the Capitol Building on the 10th. You state you would post a transcript of the conference call, yet never did it. Ok... Stark's a lazy blogger who promises posts that he doesn't write. Scandal! And again, many people participated in that conference call, Sherlock Drones.
9. [sic 11] On January 10th, the San Francisco Chronicle writes an article about the “lone blogger” (who appears to have ties with the San Francisco Chronicle.” A board member of Media Matters is a “journalist” with the San Francisco Chronicle and writes with the journalist who wrote the article. Um, what are these 'ties with the SF Chron'? And who's the MMFA board member?
10. [sic 12] On January l0th, the radio station announced on January 12th, the radio station would open the air waves for all to call, with their concerns about content matter of their shows for a three hour period of time. What does this have to do with anything?
11. [sic 13] On January llth, you wrote you spoke to the Station Manager and tried to negotiate terms for your input in calling into the show. On that same date, Media Matters writes an article regarding the situation. Oh my God! Two liberal writers wrote something on the same day! Conspiracy!
12. [sic 14] On January 12th, the “lone anonymous blogger” doesn’t call in, however YOU do and you are able to give your say on the matter. Which means what? Obviously, you're trying to imply that Stark is Spocko. Nice try. Could be that Spocko was working and couldn't call the show. Could be that KSFO refused to air his call. Could be that he just couldn't get thru, what with all the wingnuts trying to call and tell Melanie how they'd kick Spocko's ass for a whiff of her knickers and a spank on the ass.
KSFO asked Stark to call. He and Spocko aren't responsible for each other's phone calls, so pointing the finger at him because Spocko didn't call is rather illogical and juvenile.
13. [sic 15] On that same date, Media Matters does an article about the matter and the Media Reform Conference begins in which Duncan Black, David Brock of Media Matters (funded by Soros) [proof?] participate with Democrat legislators Hinchey and Sanders, representatives of (funded by Soros) [proof?] your boss (or rather client since you claim to be a free lance reporter hired to disrupt Republican campaign functions) Cenk Ugyar of the Young Turks, Air America Radio Program and Geena Davis, Danny Glover and Jane Fonda attend, as well as Jesse Jackson. Oh my God! Jesse Jackson? Conspiracy!! Tell you what, bt, since you're such a smart guy, why don't you contact the folks who set up the Media Reform Conference and ask them when they started planning it.
14. [sic 16] Following the Conference, you focus on media reform and the blogosphere is flooded with blogs about media reform. How very odd that the blogosphere would focus on Media Reform, following a Media Reform Conference. Seriously, it's almost creepy... It's like... the Borg! I just hope it didn't spread to newspapers and the telly. Eek!
Now, perhaps you can tell us what the role was by Nancy Pelosi in this obvious campaign by Democrats to squelch free speech as well as the role of Ted Kennedy. What role did Pelosi play in trying to “shut down” a radio station in her own district? I'm going to guess... none, none and... again, none? Unless you have better proof than you've dropped on us, so far.
What strategy is being used now, besides your new “website” attacking Disney? Get back to us, we're still waiting for Soros' e-mail.
What is your relationship with Nancy Pelosi and is she supporting you, despite your violent actions against Republicans and the assault upon a woman? Love child? Err, American citizen who's glad she's the new Speaker of the House? And, let's have some proof for that 'assault upon a woman', pally.
Does she condone the sexist comments you make about women and your actions toward them and how does Ted Kennedy feel about them? Cite?
How much income do you receive in order to travel through the U.S. campaigning and attending conferences? This past year, you traveled to the KOS Conference, to the Iowa primary, to Connecticut and have made regular trips to DC to meet with top national legislators, despite the fact you are a “poor student” relying upon student loans and your wife’s income to support your family. Let me run this one backward. Stark doesn't live that far from DC - that's info available online, sugarlips. More importantly, how much income do You receive? I'm guessing the source would be Move America Forward or maybe Russo, Marsh & Rogers / King Media Group. Am I right?
Law school ain’t cheap, especially at a Tier I level. Since you claim to be a former waiter and wine steward up until last year, solely funded by student loans (which hardly cover tuition) and your wife’s income is the sole income, as you claim) just how are you financing everything? Are you donations reported to the IRS as taxable income, since this is a hobby and not a business? Well, that's really none of your business. But again, how much are you making and who's paying you?
Just a few questions, which as a public figure who is involved with national political strategies to affect elections….by the way, you have my email address, so you can always respond….why is it you don’t want to answer the questions but prefer to have your “spokesman” address your issues with attacks? Is your spokesman really you? I'm sure that Mike is flattered, but I'm not sure that even I would call him a 'public figure who is involved with national political strategies to affect elections'. Not yet, anyway. As for his 'spokesman', I'm not sure whom you're referring to with that strawman point. Cite?
By your statements, it appears your actions are not only sanctioned by the Democrat Party but also strategized by them, as well. Finally, this is reinforced by your recent interview on CNN, where it appeared you spoke for the Democrat Party. Wtf?!? You need to re-view the CNN bit - it 'appeared' he spoke for the DemocratIC party? Seriously, get some professional help.
So, is this all one propoganda campaign with the roots being with Nancy Pelosi? No, the roots being Thomas Jefferson and God. Sweet Jeebus in a prom dress, you're ridiculous! (Seriously, though - God did organize this and we do speak for Her.)
Lets see if you have the integrity to answer this one….rather than have the Media Matters lackeys answer it with offensive attacks. Lets see if the Democrats let you answer it. Well, considering your questions would put a 9/11 conspiracist to shame, I don't think it's really a matter of 'integrity' if Mike decides you're not worth the pixels. I, on the other hand, think you're a fucking shill for Russo Marsh & Rogers / Move America Forward. Sue me...
Let me make this perfectly clear to everyone - nobody at OBI is being financed, led, instructed or otherwise moved to write anything about the KSFO fiasco. We do it because we love a good fight, we stand up for the 'little guy' and we demand a little better from other bloggers and the Media. (Plus, KSFO sucks from Hell to breakfast.) And when you fuck with someone we know, we're going to call you on it - no matter who you are.
I'll testify that I've never received any personal correspondence in this matter from Atrios, Media Matters for America, the Democratic Party (other than John Laesch, for unrelated issues), George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, Geena Davis, Danny Glover or Jesse Jackson. (Though, I did see Jesse at a function in Chicago, once - tall man, well dressed, seemed quite pleasant - and Ted Kennedy was a non-political client of mine, a few years back.) I haven't received one cent for any blogging, hosting, pimping, instant messages or broadcasting on this story, nor have I received any other form of compensation. My personal site doesn't have any ads because I don't have the traffic (hint to you advertisers - I'm cheap!) and OBI has never sought any advertising.
I'm not affiliated with Media Matters for America, George Soros, the Democratic Party (I made small contributions to Rowley, Lamont, Spencer, Laesch and McNerney), Atrios, any KSFO competitors, or any blogs but this site and my personal site. (I guest post at Mia Culpa and Sine.Qua.Non's Journal, occasionally, but haven't posted on this issue.)
I can't speak for everyone at OBI, Mike Stark or Spocko - but we've exchanged an enormous number of e-mails in the last few weeks and nobody has even hinted at any involvement by MMFA, the Democratic Party, George Soros or any other quasi-interested corporate or political party. And I'm damned sure that, even if it were off the record, one of them would have said something - just so we could gloat privately.
So, you can take the word of a regular OBI contributor (and if you doubt our veracity for integricipity, read some posts from May or June of 2006), or you can listen to a nozzle who uses the Google to see if anyone's talking about him and may just be an employee at Russo Marsh & Rogers, Move America Forward's PR team. I'm talking about you, 'blogicalthought'... what, you think I don't watch the stats here?
Anyone who thinks there's some well-financed, well-coordinated campaign to 'squelch the free speech' of the KSFO ghouls doesn't understand the nature of the internets. I'm talking to you, this time, Melanie.
Rip -
PS - If you're a free-wheeling, spirited advertiser who digs our groove more than money - e-mail us!
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Nice smackdown Rip, thees idiota has nada, and appears to be venturing blindly eento more unrestrained conjecture.
Ay, Blobbical-thought, jour dog sez the tinfoil ees itchy.
Ay, Blobbical-thought, jour dog sez the tinfoil ees itchy.
I have to say, it is fun to be the target of a conspiracy theory. It was Ripley on the grassy knoll, and NTodd is the pepetrator of the "magic pants theory."
What is "a first year law student", I wonder? Is that like being "almost a virgin", or is it more like being "more or less a dipshit"?
Sorry, since I'm not "a first year law student," I'm not capable of logical argument, only ad hominem attacks :)
Sorry, since I'm not "a first year law student," I'm not capable of logical argument, only ad hominem attacks :)
you are campaigning for Ted Lamont who is running against Joe Lieberman,
Um, who's Ted Lamont? I met a 'Ned' Lamont last October, but Ted? I'm just saying...
Um, who's Ted Lamont? I met a 'Ned' Lamont last October, but Ted? I'm just saying...
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